Extract more value from every step in the recovery process.

About the EOR Alliance

The Global Leaders in EOR

The EOR Alliance is a global brain trust that seamlessly combines the expertise of EOR leaders around the world, encompassing all methods, from gas to thermal. The mission is to bring the latest EOR innovations to reservoirs around the world—delivering clients the most reserves, in the most effective ways.

The EOR Alliance

Seamlessly Working Together

With a staff of over 60 senior reservoir engineers, chemical engineers, petrophysicists, geoscientists, simulation specialists, and engineering specialists, the EOR Alliance is also one of the largest groups of experts dedicated to EOR.

Each of the alliance partners are leaders in their respective domains:


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IFP Energies Nouvelles
World-class energy and geosciences public sector research

250 M€ R&D budget
160 R&D staff
160 PhD students
12 900 active patents
750 papers published per year



Global leader in specialty chemicals and formulation

Revenues: 12 B€
Novecare division: 25 global surfactant and polymer manufacturing sites
30+ years of experience in chemicals for the O&G markets


Leading independent E&P consulting and software editor

Revenues: 60 M€
Staff: 260 (geologists, reservoir engineers, economists, …) Active in over 100 countries – 75% of revenues with OPEC companies


IFP Canada is your EOR Alliance representative in North and South America—connecting you to this global network.

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