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Projects on the Montney Formation

2019-2020: Geological and engineering controls on Montney liquids recovery

This project aims at understanding the geological and engineering controls on production fractionation and liquids recovery in the Montney play of westernmost Alberta and northeastern British Columbia. Our practical workflow integrates geochemistry and hydrodynamics with PVT analysis and modeling within a well-defined stratigraphic framework, to better predict and map liquids recovery potential in the over-pressured liquids-rich gas and oil fairways of the Montney play.

Euzen, T., Watson, N., Cui, A., and Wilson J., 2020, Mapping Liquid Recovery Potential in an Unconventional Play: A Practical Workflow Integrating Geology, Geochemistry and PVT Properties (Montney Fm., Canada). Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Austin, Texas, USA, 20-22 July 2020.

Euzen, T., Watson, N., Cui, A., and Wilson J., 2020, Controls on liquids recovery in the Montney condensate and oil fairways of NEBC. Canada Shale Production Exhibition and Conference. July 14-15, 2020.

Euzen, T., Watson, N., Cui, A., and Wilson J., 2020, The Northeastern BC Montney Tight Oil Play: Potential and Challenges. GeoConvention, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 11-13 May 2020 (Postponed).

Euzen, T. and Watson, N., 2020. In situ versus produced fluids from the Montney Play in northeastern BC – Insights from gas geochemistry. AB & BC Montney Technical Session – An Update on AB and BC’s Montney Resource Play, February 20, 2020.

2018: Montney Regional Fluid Analysis

This project aims at interpreting and mapping regional geological controls on fluids distribution in the Montney resource play. The proposed workflow is based on the integration of multiple geological, geophysical, geochemical and engineering datasets including the mapping of thousands of compositional fluids analyses within a well-defined stratigraphic and structural framework at the basin-scale.

Euzen, T., Chatellier J.Y., Mort, A., 2018. Multi-scale fluid compositional variations in an unconventional hybrid system – Learnings from the Montney resource play. SPE Argentina Exploration and Production of Unconventional Resource Symposium, Neuquen, Argentina, 14-16 August 2018.

Euzen, T, Chatellier, J.Y., Mort, A., 2018. Geological Controls on Fluid Compositional Variations in Unconventional Hybrid Plays: Insight from Gas Geochemistry (Montney Play, Western Canada). Unconventional Technology Conference, Houston, Texas, United States, 23-25 July 2018.

Euzen, T., Mort, A. and Chatellier J.Y. 2018. Geological Controls on Fluid Distribution in Unconventional Hybrid Plays: Example from the Montney Formation of Western Canada. AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition, Salt Lake City, Utah, United States, 20-23 May 2018.

Chatellier J.Y., Euzen, T., Mort, A., Thenin, D., 2018. Revealing fault control on hydrocarbon distribution in the Montney Play: a 3-D exploratory statistics approach. CSPG CSEG CWLS Join Annual Convention: May 7-11 2018, Calgary, AB.

Euzen, T., Mort, A. and Chatellier J.Y. 2018. Stratigraphic and Structural Controls on Hydrocarbon Distribution in the Montney Unconventionial Play. 11th B.C. Unconventional Gas Technical Forum. Victoria, BC, Canada, 23-24 April 2018.

2017: Factors controlling natural fracturing in the Montney Formation

Characterization of matrix and fracture cement diagenesis using petrography (optical, cathodoluminescence, fluorescence), micro-thermometry on fluid inclusions and isotopic analysis (O, C, Sr).

Master Thesis – IFP Energies nouvelles and University of Paris VI.

Belkacemi, M., Gasparrini, M., Lacombe, O., Rohais, S., Pillot, D., Sassi, W., and Euzen, T., 2017. Natural sealed fractures from the Montney-Doig unconventional reservoirs tied to burial and tectonic history of the Western Canada foreland basin. 12th Workshop for the International Lithosphere Program Task Force VI Sedimentary Basin, 29 October – 02 November, 2017, Limassol, Cyprus.

2016-2017 (ongoing): High resolution sequence stratigraphy and internal architecture of the Spathian deposisits in Northeastern British Columbia: Implications of the Montney Play.

This ongoing study aims at mapping at basin scale, individual clinoform packages in the Spathain deposits (“Upper Montney”) in westernmost Alberta and northeastern British Columbia (over 400 km from Elmwotrh to Caribou fields). The two main objectives of this analysis are (1) to better understand the external control on stratigraphic architecture (sediment supply, tectonic and eustacy) and (2) to estimate the geological controls on the Montney Play resources and productivity at basin scale.

Euzen, T., Moslow, T.F., Crombez, V. and Rohais, S. 2017. Basin-scale high-resolution sequence stratigraphy and internal architecture of the Spathian deposits of the Montney Formation in Western Canada (Lower Triassic). CSPG CSEG CWLS Join Annual Convention: May 15-19 2017, Calgary, AB.

Euzen, T., Moslow, T.F., Crombez, V. and Rohais, S. Regional Stratigraphic Architecture of the Spathian Deposits in Western Canada – Implications for the Montney Resource Play. T. Euzen, T.F. Moslow and M. Caplan, (eds). The Montney Play: Deposition to Development. CSPG Special Volume, under review.

2016-2017 (ongoing): Geomechanical, petrophysical and geochemical analysis of organic-rich rocks of the Montney Formation, Northeastern BC.

Ph.D. IFP Energies nouvelles- Collaboration IFP Energies nouvelles, IFP Canada, Progress Energy

Tazi, H, Bemer, E., Adelinet, M., Dormieux, L., Sassi, W., and Euzen, T., 2017. Relationship between the acoustic properties and microstructure of source rocks: insights through an effective medium approach. Gussow Research Conference, Subsurface Hydrocarbon Movement, Banff, Canada, 10-12 October 2017.

2016-2017 (Coming soon): Resource Assessment of Montney Petroleum System (RAMPS)

The objective of this project is to develop a process-based approach to better predict the nature and quantity of hydrocarbon resources contained in unconventional systems. The design and implementation of an advanced basin modeling workflow, combining basin modeling (TemisFlowTM) and stratigraphic modeling (DionisosFlowTM) will be performed and applied to the Montney and Doig Formations in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (WCSB).

Euzen, T., S. Rohais, V. Crombez, M. Ducros, M. Romero-Sarmiento, M. Gasparrini, W. Sassi, E. Bemer, H. Tazi, B. Carpentier, B. Chauveau, S. Pauthier, D. Granjeon and F. Baudin, Integrated Approach for Unconventional System Analysis and Modeling: The Lower and Middle Triassic of Western Canada, AAPG/SEG International Conference & Exhibition, Sept. 7-9, 2016, Cancun, Mexico.

This is a Joint Industry Project, for more information please contact Tristan Euzen (tristan.Euzen@ifp-canada.com)

2015-2016: Organic geochemistry and petrography of organic-rich sediments of the Montney and Doig Formation

Collaboration between IFP Energies nouvelles, the Geological Survey of Canada and IFP Canada.

Romero-Sarmiento, M.-F., Euzen, T., Rohais S., Jiang, C. and Litkke, R., 2016, Artificial thermal maturation of source rocks at different thermal maturity levels: Application to the Triassic Montney and Doig formations in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. Organic Geochemistry, Volume 97, July 2016, Pages 148-162.

2013-2016: Petrofacies, Sedimentology and Stratigraphic Architecture of organic-rich rocks. Multiproxy study of the Montney and Doig Formations (Lower and Middle Triassic, Alberta and British Columbia, Canada).

Ph.D. Thesis co-supervised by IFP Energies nouvelles, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (France) and IFP Canada.

Crombez, V., Rohais, S., Baudin, F., Chauveau, B., Euzen, T., and Granjeon, D., 2017. Controlling factor on source rock development: implications from 3D stratigraphic modeling of Triassic deposits in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. Bull. Soc. géol. Fr. 188 (5) 30 (2017). http://doi.org/10.1051/bsgf/2017188.

Crombez, V., Baudin, F., Rohais, S., Riquier, L., Euzen, T., Pauthier, S., Ducros, M., Caron, B., and Vaisblat, N., 2016b. Basin scale distribution of organic matter in marine fine-grained sedimentary rocks: Insight from sequence stratigraphy and multi-proxies analysis in the Montney and Doig formations. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 83, 382–401.

Crombez, V., Rohais, S., Baudin, F. and Euzen, T. 2016a. Facies, well-log patterns, geometries and sequence stratigraphy of a wave-dominated margin: insight from the Montney Formation (Alberta, British Columbia, Canada). Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 45, p. 474–505.

2014: Montney – Doig Diagenetic Study

Collaboration between IFP Energies nouvelles, IFP Canada and the University of Alberta.

Vaisblat, N., Harris, N.B., DeBhur, C., Euzen, T., Gasparrini, M., Crombez, V., Rohais, S., Krause, F. and Ayranci, K. (2017): Diagenetic model for the deep Montney Formation, northeastern British Columbia; in Geoscience BC Summary of Activities 2016, Geoscience BC, Report 2017-1, p. 37–48

Vaisblat, N, N. B. Harris, V., Crombez, T., Euzen, M., Gasparrini, and S., Rohais, 2015, A Regional Diagenetic and Petrophysical Model for the Montney Formation, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, AAPG Convention & Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, May 31-June 3, 2015.

2014: Mineralogical and petrophysical study of a Montney Well in Altares Area

Collaboration between IFP Canada, SGS Canada, Everett Petrophysics and IFP Energies nouvelles

Euzen T., Everett B., Power M., Crombez V., Rohais S., Vaisblat N. and Baudin F., 2015. Geological Controls on Reservoir Properties of the Montney Formation in Northeastern BC: An integration of sequence stratigraphy, organic geochemistry, quantitative mineralogy and petrophysical analysis. CSPG CSEG CWLS Joint Annual Convention, Calgary, Canada, 4-8 May 2015.

2014: 2D modeling of the oil and gas potential in the Montney Formation

Collaboration between IFP Energies nouvelles and IFP Canada

Ducros, Mathieu, Tristan Euzen, Vincent Crombez, William Sassi, and Roland Vially, 2016, 2-D basin modeling of the WCSB across the Montney-Doig system: implications for hydrocarbon migration pathways and unconventional resources potential, in M. AbuAli and I. Moretti, eds., Petroleum System Case Studies: AAPG Memoir 114, in press.

2013: Quantification of TOC from well log data in the Montney formation (Alberta – Canada) – Comparison between existing methods and integration with facies and sequence stratigraphic analysis.

Master Thesis – IFP Canada, Université de Pau (France).

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